Introduction to the evolution, technological basis, and services of the Internet, with descriptions of its underlying communications structure, routing algorithms, peer-to-peer hierarchy, reliability, and packet switching. Network security, mail, multimedia and data compression issues, HTML, and digital images. Students who have completed course 150 cannot receive credit for this course.
Weekly Quizzes: 40% (every Friday)
Weekly Labs: 25% (due Wednesdays at midnight)
Final Exam: 35%
Your evaluation will use the best 8 out of 10 (of possibly 11) quizzes. There are absolutely no makeup quizzes for any reason whatsoever. If you miss a quiz that is ok - it will be counted as one of those that are dropped from your grade calculation.
You will receive full credit for your weekly lab assignment as long as every problem is attempted. Your TAs are available to help you with the lab assignments in Section and they are a great way to prepare for the quizzes! Please get help if you need it! In addition to help during Section, you can also post questions to our online Forum.
In addition to the quizzes and labs we will have weekly reading assigments. These assignments are greatly helpful for your quiz preparation.
Week 1: Introductions, decimal/binary/hexadecimal numbers, OSI model, lab and quiz
Week 2: Physical Layer, lab and quiz
Week 3, 4: Data Link Layer, lab and quiz
Week 5,6: Internet Layer, lab and quiz
Week 7,8: TCP, lab and quiz
Week 9: Encryption and Security